Iver Village


Regular school attendance is essential if children are to achieve their full potential.

The staff and governors at Iver Village Infant School believe that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them and become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to their community.

Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their child receives their entitlement to their education. This is done by parents ensuring their child comes to school every day.

We understand that if your child is unwell they will not be able to attend school. If your child is absent as a result of illness, you should phone us from 08: 30 am on 01753 655104 on the first day of absence and each subsequent day, to let us know the reason.

Absences due to illness, religious observance and medical appointments, for which we receive an explanation, are given an authorisation in the registers. Absences for which we receive no written explanation remain as unauthorised absences in the registers.


At Iver Village Infant school, we understand that all children, regardless of age, ability or special educational needs, are entitled to an appropriate and full-time education. However, there are many factors in the life of a child or that of their family that can affect school attendance.   Children can only make the most of their education is they attend regularly and on time.

Lesson lost will never be recovered.   We rely on parents to work in partnership with us to support the children in attending the school.

We at Iver Village Infant School will follow their safeguarding duty in promoting the welfare of children and investigating any unexplained absences.

We will maintain an accurate register of children admissions and enter children onto it on the date agreed for them to attend the school.

The School will notify the local authority within five days of adding a child’s name to the admission register and provide the information held on the register about the child.

Where a child fails to attend school on the agreed date, the school will make reasonable enquiries to establish the whereabouts of the child and consider notifying the local authority.

The school will monitor children’s attendance through daily registers and take steps to address poor attendance.

The school will inform the local authority of any child that fail to attend school regularly, or miss 10 school days or more without permission.

The school will remove a child from the admission register where they have not returned to school after 10 days following an authorised absence, or is absent for 20 consecutive days without authorisation and reasonable joint enquiries between the school and local authority have failed to establish the child’s whereabouts.

To help with getting your child to school on time, have the uniforms and bags ready the night before.

If a child is persistently absence from the school, the Education Welfare Service will be notified and you will be invited to attend a meeting.  Parents/carers may be issued with a Penalty Notice.

Iver Village Infant School will inform the local authority when a child’s name is going to be removed from the admission register for any of the grounds set-out in Regulation 8 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations (2006)

If your child is unwell, please do not send them into school.  Please notify the school office of their illness by 9.00am each morning.


Recommended period to be kept away from school


Chicken Pox

5 days from the onset of the rash



Until lesions are crusted over and healed, or 48 hours after starting anti biotic treatment.

Antibiotic treatment can speed healing and can reduce the infectious period

Diarrhoea and Sickness

48 hours from the last episode




Over the counter treatment available

Head lice


Over the counter treatment available


None – unless your child is unwell

Most do not need antibiotic treatment



Treatment is required for the child and family